
08 July 2007

Too cliché or not too cliché -- that is the question.

Earlier today I was pondering the saying, “healthy as a horse.” For most of my life, I thought it was just another nonsensical cliché like “I slept like a baby” (I do not consider waking up every hour or so throughout the night the epitome of a good night’s sleep). I figured this was the case because horses get shot if they even break a leg, which doesn’t seem very healthy to me. Then it hit me – the missing link I had overlooked all these years: A live horse is a very healthy horse because otherwise he would be dead. Hence, “healthy as a horse” actually does connote good health. Chalk a point up for solving one of life’s small mysteries. Now if I could just figure out why you park on a driveway and drive on a parkway…


Leslie said...

Just don't look a gift horse in the mouth - that's what I say. And as soon as someone gives me one I'll be sure to follow that advice.

Dakrat said...

I agree -- although until just a few years ago I thought it was "don't kick a gift horse in the mouth." Which also seems like sound advice. Must've been getting that one mixed up with the bit about not beating/kicking a dead horse.

jvjw said...

clever thinking...let me know if you ever figure out the driveway/parkway thing!


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